It was such a fun time in the kitchen-they are looking forward to more yummy creations (though maybe minus the whole fire incident)!
Welcome to our blog! Take a peek at our fun (but sometimes crazy!) life with raising 10 kids (well, 9 left at home)! There's never a dull moment at our house! "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward." Psalm 127:3
Monday, June 29, 2009
In our neigborhood
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Boys and their toys....
Friday, June 26, 2009
Look how big I am!
- Sitting up well, without tipping over and falling on his face!
- Attempting to crawl, though not that coordinated yet
- Playing with lots of toys, especially ones that are noisy or he can bang together
- Waving to people
- Babbling up a storm!
- Rolling all over the place as his means of getting places (even accidentally off the bed once)
- Laughing and smiling all the time! He even is quite ticklish.
- He has one tooth-front and center on the bottom!
- Eating all kinds of food, even things that aren't food (like Mommy's shopping list!)
Here is a picture of him after discovering a new love-birthday cake (yes-it was my birthday yesterday). I don't normally feed my babies birthday cake, but he sort of swiped it from his sister's plate while she was standing near him. Before we knew what happened, he had shoved it all in his mouth and looked like this!
I've got to say, he may be messy, but he's darn cute! Almost looks like he'd been fingerpainting or something. Yes, I know he is in need of a haircut, but I just can't bring myself to cut off those sweet baby locks. I guess it's just hard to accept that he soon will be a toddler! I know it will have to be done soon, since I can't tell you how many times people have told me what a cute girl he is. Maybe by the next month's blog post, you'll see a new buzz cut!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
A Busy morning
She did very well and the doctor told us that yes, she does have an ear infection, and wrote us a prescription for antibiotics. Oh-here's John and Eden with their balloons, having lots of fun!
So off we go, prescription in hand to fill it. By now it is about 11:30. We were right near the grocery store, and since they had a pharmacy and were also having a good sale on meat this week, why not go there? I mean, when you've got six energetic, rambunctious little ones, isn't the first place you want to go the grocery store? :-) Yes, I admit it, sometimes I don't think things through quite as well as I should. Since there was hardly anyone in the store, I'm thinking they'll have that thing filled in 15 minutes. Nope, the pharmacist tells me, 45 minutes. we'll do lots of browsing around the store. We gathered up all the groceries, fed one very hungry baby Luke, and even did a potty break with everyone. While in line, the kids were putting up all the groceries and little Eden, my 2 yo, decided to make a break for it-where she was going, I don't know, but she went pretty fast down that cereal aisle! I'm sure I looked hilarious, telling my 8 yo to watch the baby in the cart while I went flying down the aisle after her. Lesson learned-always buckle the seatbelts in those little carts with the kiddie cars on them-they are way too easy to escape from! Finally, by 12:45, we were done, buckled in the car, and ready to go home and eat and have naps! Whew! I think I need one too!
With the exception of today, I have been able to make some progress on my organizing/cleaning out. I got a large part of our school shelves organized, though we still have many books to add. Aren't they looking pretty good? I have a label maker that I just love, so I've been labeling everything! It's nice to be more organized and know where everything goes.
I also discovered a new love for those over-the-door shoe holders. I have one on the back of several of the doors in our house-they're great for holding anything! Here's one on the back of the laundry room door off our kitchen, to hold our school supplies. It's so handy!
I love progress! Hopefully there will be more to come!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
Saturday, June 20, 2009
What's missing?
Yes! It's Hannah's hair that's missing from her head! So how did those pretty curls end up on the floor? I'll give you one starts with a J and ends with an N. If you guessed John, you're right! John, my very, very busy almost 5 year old, decided to take it upon himself to search out our haircutting scissors from our bathroom (which we keep in a very difficult to reach place) and proceed to play beauty shop on Hannah! When I asked him why he cut his sister's hair, he simply replied, "Because I wanted her to look byooful (beautiful) you, Mommy!" about tugging at my heartstrings! What a naughty thing to do, but what he said was so sweet! Anyway, we talked about never, never using the scissors to cut anyone's hair-the only people who are ever allowed to do that are the hairdresser or mommy. Hopefully this is his last stint as a stylist. It was such a shame because Hannah had just nearly grown out her bangs that her sister had cut completely off about 6 months ago..and now this! Apparently, she's a very good hair model. I'm guessing she doesn't put up a fight. In fact, she really did think she looked quite beautiful. Fortuntately, when you're 3, you can walk around with one side of your hair chopped off, looking slightly goofy and no one really cares. After all, it seems to happen to almost every child at one point or another. I just happen to have 10 children, so it seems to happen more often than I'd like! Well, hopefully by Christmastime, she'll have much more normal looking hair. I am just thankful it was not right before an important event or a family portrait. But even if it was, we'd all be able to laugh about it later!
Friday, June 19, 2009
For the love of candy.....
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Getting old?
Monday, June 15, 2009
Vacation Bible School
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Another birthday!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Keeping 'em busy
1. Reading-better yet, sign up for reading programs so they get rewarded while doing it!
2. Board games-kids love these. My kids new favorite is Hungry Hippos. It can get quite loud, though, so be sure you have something else to take out when you've had enough!
3. Swimming/Sprinkler/Water balloons-anything that involves water! It gets them active and has the added benefit of getting that layer of dirt off them! :-)
4. Bake something-This was our choice today. Cookies, a cake, bread, whatever-have fun and try not to worry about the mess.
5. Play dough-you can even make your own. Get some great tools to use with them and you'll be surprised at their creations.
6. Puzzles-I found some of these at the dollar tree. My kids loved them and it got those brains moving!
7. Taking pictures-if your child has a camera, or if you don't mind them using yours, let them take some shots of what they enjoy. As long as they're over 6 years old, I'll usually let them use mine for a short time.
8. Latch hooking-This is a great activity for the 6 and up crowd. It does take time to do, but the results are great and they make a good gift for grandparents when made into a pillow.
9. Painting-If you are adventurous, let them use regular paints on an easel. I'm more conservative-we use watercolors, but they still have a great time.
10. Clean, clean, clean! My kids favorite thing (not really.) But you can make it more fun. Give them a reward when you're done. while you're working, put on some great inspirational music and sing!
This is just a short list-I'm always open to new ideas and thinking of new ones all the time. Now I realized that when you take away the passive entertainment and the kids interact more, you have many more opportunities to teach good communication skills (ie. breaking up fights). It is a process and it doesn't happen overnite! It is worth it, though, as I see my 8 yo sitting by me reading through the encyclopedia about dinosaurs! Yay learning! Well, it's time for us to head out to our dentist appointment. You know what great things they do there while waiting for brother to get his braces tightened? Yep, TV and video games! At least we're only there about 45 minutes!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Catching up!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
When it's hot outside...
They had a lot of fun....especially Eden, my 2yo. She's not in this picture, but she loves any kind of drawing or painting, so she spent a lot of time with the watercolors. It's much better than her usual pictures that end up drawn on my wall! She's a sweetie, but sometimes a handfull!