Welcome to our blog! Take a peek at our fun (but sometimes crazy!) life with raising 10 kids (well, 9 left at home)! There's never a dull moment at our house! "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward." Psalm 127:3
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Big Day Has Arrived!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Little by little...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Future homemakers....
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Where has quality gone?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Guess what he's doing now?
Luke, my little cutie patootie, turned 8 months old today! Not only that, he started crawling this past weekend. Man, is he quick! It's really more of a belly flop and army crawl, but he certainly can get where he needs to go. He can get up on his knees, but isn't quite sure how to coordinate the actual crawling yet. He's able to get to pretty much anything he wants-he crawled all the way across the room yesterday to come see me-the whole time, saying "Mum, Mum!". By the way, do you like his spiffy new haircut? I think he looks quite handsome. I have to admit, it was hard to cut off those sweet little baby locks, but he looks pretty good with his new 'do. At least we won't get any more cute baby girl comments. He is such a sweet little guy-my day is just not the same unless I get one of his great big bear hugs! He clutches your neck with his chubby little arms and hums in happiness. It truly makes any stress I have just melt away. So if you're ever having a stressful day, head on over here-I've got a baby just waiting to give out hugs! He is very curious and is always looking at and inspecting everything. His 2 yo sister, Eden, is the same way..maybe she can teach him some things! I think at the rate he is going, it won't be long before he's running around the house. What a blessing and joy he is to our family!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
It's hot!
As with anything, it was a little easier the second time around, though my workmanship could have been much better! (We had an incident when I was snipping threads too quickly). I was in a rush to try to get it done, considering it is the middle of summer! It really isn't too difficult of a pattern-the only thing that takes some getting used to is that slippery swimsuit material. Not the easiest to sew with. Well, she'll get a lot of use out of it if this hot weather keeps up. Personally, I'm praying for rain to bring my shriveled up plants and shrubs back to life! Hope you all are staying cool-drink lots and spend plenty of time in the air conditioning!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
School's in Session!
Monday was our official first day-it was nice to be back into a good routine, and we learned a lot of interesting things already! Here are Mary, Michael, and Sarah checking out an interesting book on animals for science.
We topped off our first day with a fun treat-cupcakes! The kids got to each frost and decorate their own. Yummy! I don't have a picture of that because they devoured them so quickly! All in all, a good start to the year. We are looking forward to learning great things together this year and look forward to what the Lord has in store for us!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Teeth cleaning turned fun!
They had a couple of games set up-here is the soccer ball kicking one they did...
Guess what the prize was? Yep, candy! Don't worry-we were past that 30 minute period by now. But we were right in front of our dentist's office-and there were my kids, scarfing down candy! I was sure my dentist was peering out the window, shaking his head in disappointment at all the work I had just undone. Then again, maybe he was smiling at the possibility of all the increased revenue from my family in the coming months! We stayed a little longer, then headed out to Michael's, the arts and crafts store. I had promised Sarah I would take her there to do the free tote bag decorating craft they were having for kids. All I can say is, they had a blast! The 3 girls were very particular about their designs and carefully (as best they could) painted theirs.
John, however, subscribed to the "more is better" philosophy on this one. It was hard to tell whether more paint made it onto the bag or his clothes.
Unfortunately, I ended up wearing some paint, too, after trying hard to stay on the other side of the table. Well, that's what washing machines are for, right? Most importantly, they had fun!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Fun outings
Tonight, we went to see the Waugh bat colony. It is near downtown houston and is a bridge where thousands of bats live. Each evening at sunset, they all come flying out, looking for their nightly meal of insects. It was so cool to watch-I haven't been near that many bats before. It was quite cool to see them fly just overhead. I don't know if you can see any of the small bats in this picture, but you can get an idea of the bridge.
Here are Sarah and Mary, reading some of the information on the bats, just before they emerged. This trip was a little bit of a drive, but well worth it!
I think our next trip will need to be to the library to get some books on bats! God's creation is truly amazing, isn't it?
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Happy Happy Birthday!
He received lots of hot wheels cars, a car carrier, and even a ramp for them. I wasn't able to get a picture, but let me tell you, he's in heaven. I'll give you one guess as to what his cake was.....
Yep! A car! Happy Birthday my little Elfie! You are a bright spot in our lives!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Fireworks Fun!
Noisy ones, big ones, ground ones, sparkly ones...it seems we had a little of everything....
It was all good fun until (uh-oh!).....Guess who showed up?
Yep....the police. Before you jump to conclusions, yes, it is legal to light off fireworks in our area! Aparently, one of our neighbors, concerned about the drought in our area, called the police. Unbeknownst to us, there was a restriction on lighting them off this year in areas that had lots of houses. I guess because of the risk of fire. The officer told us to relocate our show to an open area, with no homes around. Everyone decided to go just around the block to some open streets, where there are no houses built yet. I stayed behind with the littler ones. No big deal, since I stayed inside most of the time anyway, since Hannah and Eden were scared of the fireworks. The only mishap for the show was a small grass fire that started from a misguided spark. They were able to put it out quickly, fortunately. I guess that officer was right. Next year, we'll be sure to have our hose and our own mini-fire crew standing by!