Little guy, my cutie patootie Luke, is 10 months old now. Actually, he turned 10 months a couple of weeks ago, but I'm a little slow at updating. I swear he gets cuter everyday! He has developed such a personality and loves to play. He is quite independent and even climbs the stairs now (yes, all of them!) He also loves walking while holding onto furniture. I know it won't be long before he won't need the furniture! He has sprouted a couple of new teeth, which is helpful in his exploring new foods. He is a great little eater and eats just about everything we do, so long as it's not too hard. His favorites? Fruit, kix or honey nut cheerios cereal, and pasta. As you can see from the picture, he's not missing any meals! He still gives me hugs when he gets up in the morning and it truly warms my heart. I am so happy to see him developing, but a part of me is sad to see him grow out of his babyhood! Soon, his little sausage feet will outgrow these cute little crocs, so for now, I'm enjoying every little babble, kiss, and pinch of those little chubby cheeks!

What a real dolly!!!!!!!! He is something else. What a great mommy he has. You are sure a real blessing. Amy have a safe trip. Enjoy every minute of Luke being a baby, as look at Matthew now, where did the time go?
ReplyDeleteLove Rose xo :}