Monday, July 12, 2010

Back to home school!

But it's the middle of summer, you're thinking?! Well, for us, it's back to school time! Seriously, it's so hot outside, we start school in July and enjoy the luxury of finishing our year a little early, while the weather is a bit nicer. I had spent a lot of time organizing and getting things together over the past month or two. The kids were excited..yes, excited! They actually kept asking when we were least the younger ones were. I decided this year to make our schooling more enjoyable and have a more easygoing schedule that allows plenty of extra time for interruptions, sidetracks, or even a tired mom some days! I mean, just because we SHOULD get that history lesson done in 30 minutes doesn't mean we will when reality hits! Better to have a little cushion time than a rushed day. I was really glad I made this decision when the kickoff to our morning was my 7 yo daughter vomiting on the living room floor (thank you wood floors!) She did complain of a slight stomach ache about 30 minutes before.....guess i should have listened better. Surprisingly, after that, she felt great and went on as if nothing ever happened. About an hour after that, we got this surprise...

Yes, that's my curious 1 1/2 yo little guy, who, for whatever reason, is obsessed with getting into my baking items-particularly the baking soda and baking powder. This is the box of baking powder. Would it gross you out if I told you he actually likes to eat it? Trust me-it's not because he's hungry, either (have you seen the size of those chunky thighs?)

On we moved to the lessons-math, language arts, handwriting....

And my eager 1st grader, who was proud to show off his work!

Here's my 15 yo working on his Spanish on the computer....or maybe training for a drive through job?! (Would you like fries with that?)

Overall, a great day, even with all the interruptions! The kids did great...I'm proud! Sign me up for another day!

1 comment:

  1. As I always say Amy, you are the Mother of Mother's! There is no one like you. I'm so very proud to be in your life! Sounds like it was a great idea your new plan. Delight in your new school year, My love to all of the children. Please don't get to worn out. You do so much. Love You, Blessings~Rose xo
